I've ridden several skewbalds in my time, but never a piebald. And now I have - meet Vincent the Magnificent.
Lots of hair..........
mane.......beard..............................leg feathers in abundance.......................tail..............
and lots of fun to ride.
Skewbald, piebald, paint, coloured - whatever you call them, they're showy.
And speaking of showy, do all horse-mad little girls long for a palomino? I did. And as luck would have it, I've known a few. And now I have a choice of three to ride.

Spot the odd one out?
On Sunday I rode the very golden Charlie again.

He's a helpful sort of guy who's happy to give some of his time to yard duties

and I reckon he would've got a 10 in a dressage test for the old free walk on a long rein with that neck stretch.