Well into Day Four of our incarceration and I've moved the day bed thing in one of the rooms to make my dance studio bigger. Doing Latin barefoot on a carpet isn't really the thing, but at least it's a much needed workout.

The staff at the Grand Millennium hotel, KL, are doing their best with a variety of meals but could easily reduce the amount. Three full meals a day is too much when you're sitting around and it's such a waste. I need to borrow someone's dog. That's not a reflection on the quality by the way - I just hate having to leave it.
A change of clothes after the workout has thrown up the fact that the new shorts I bought online from M&S several months ago and have never worn until now are apparently about two sizes too big, although they are a size eight. What the hell are they doing with women's clothing sizes? I actually have no idea what size I'm supposed to be now. I'm fortunate that I haven't changed noticeably in width since I first arrived in the UK many, many years ago and yet my clothes have gone from being size 12 or 'medium' to size 8 (less than 8 now, it appears) and 'extra small'.
I'd been in England for about five years when I first noticed that size 12 garments were hanging off me. I had a habit of just picking them off the rails because I'd always been a bog-standard height/width sort of a person (yes, medium) and they always fitted. I started buying size 10 instead. Then it dawned on me that the size 12 classic style work skirt I'd had for several years was exactly the same size to a thread as the new size 10 I'd just bought. Now I've started buying 8s and the 'extra smalls'. Where do we go from here? Diminutive? Teensy-weensy? Microscopic? I'm still bog-standard.